Hours and Facilities
Our tutors and students meet at a time and public location of their convenience.
Our locations of choice have been the Door County libraries and we hope to continue using these facilities.
However, classes can be held at other public locations deemed suitable by both the student and the tutor.
We want to reach the students wherever and whenever they are available so we pride ourselves in being flexible in arranging for both schedule and location.
In the future, and as we connect with other organizations that serve our community, we hope to list here a varied number of approved sites which will also be identified, in situ, by one of our signs. Stay posted!
Nuestras clases ocurren cuándo y dónde sea conveniente para el tutor y el estudiante. Normalmente las clases son en una de las bibliotecas de Door County pero es posible cambiar a otra localización pública más conveniente. En el futuro incluiremos aquí una lista de locales opcionales.